GU/Georgetown University: ADMISSIONS & AID
Located in a historic neighborhood in the nation's capital, Georgetown offers rigorous academic programs, a global perspective, exciting ways to take advantage of Washington, D.C., and a commitment to social justice. Our community is a tight knit group of remarkable individuals interested in intellectual inquiry and making a difference in the world.
Learn more about applying to our undergraduate and graduate schools and programs.
An undergraduate applicant's ability to pay tuition is not a criterion for admission. In 1978, Georgetown began its historic commitment to meet the financial need of every undergraduate who merits admission. The University works to provide eligible students 100 percent of their demonstrated financial need through scholarships, loans and other forms of assistance. Our practices mean that every eligible undergraduate student, once accepted, can afford to enroll. Each year over half of Georgetown undergraduates receive some form of financial assistance.
Financial aid for graduate students is also available.
GU/Georgetown University: ADMISSIONS & AID
Reviewed by Humana Digital Media

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