Texas A&M: Admissions

Texas A&M is a place unlike any other. Our university enrolls more than 59,000 students from more than 130 countries and has countless opportunities to help our Aggies learn and grow. 


Whatever your passion, we've got a degree for you: our more than 49,000 undergraduate students can take their pick from nearly 130 undergraduate degree programs.


Given that Texas A&M is able to offer over $626 million in financial assistance each year, many students' out-of-pocket costs are much lower than the published cost of attendance. We're consistently recognized as a top value in higher education, based on our combination of academic quality and affordability.

From: https://www.tamu.edu/

Texas A&M: Admissions Texas A&M: Admissions Reviewed by Humana Digital Media on 10:04 Rating: 5

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