UNiversity of Pretória: Considering the University of Pretoria?


The University of Pretoria is a multi-faculty research-intensive university with campuses in Pretoria, its surrounds, and in the country’s economic hub, Johannesburg. The University is conveniently situated in close proximity to government departments and major research entities in Pretoria, including the National Research Foundation (NRF) and the Council for Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR).

The University provides an environment that is stimulating, intellectually challenging and conducive to optimising teaching and learning. The approach to education is holistic. Through participation in the wide range of campus activities and societies focusing on sports, arts and culture, students become well-rounded citizens.
As one of South Africa’s oldest and most prestigious institutions of higher education, the University of Pretoria provides a refreshing mix of academic tradition and progressive vision. The latter is brought to life by means of world-class research that results in positive, tangible contributions to both local and global communities.
UNiversity of Pretória: Considering the University of Pretoria? UNiversity of Pretória: Considering the University of Pretoria? Reviewed by Humana Digital Media on 23:11 Rating: 5

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