Texas A&M: Financial Aid for Online Students
How to Fund Your Graduate Certificate Education at Texas A&M University
Students enrolled in the Bush School certificate programs are eligible for federal financial aid. Veterans benefits accepted.
· Steps to financial aid handout
To begin the process, please fill out the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) (Texas A&M University's FAFSA School Code: 003632).
You may fill out the form before or during application to graduate certificate programs, or after application and acceptance to a program.
The Texas A&M University Department of Student Financial Aid will contact you regarding your status once your application has been processed by the US Department of Education.
International Students: You may qualify for various programs based on visa status. Visit Texas A&M's Scholarship & Financial Aid website and complete the International Student Financial Aid Application (ISFAA).
Scholarship and Grant Opportunities
The listing below details just a few scholarship and grant opportunities for which you may or may not be eligible. Please read the requirements for each thoroughly to see if you qualify.
Also, check with your place of employment and any organizations with which you are affiliated to see if they offer scholarship opportunities to members. Good luck in your search!
The Bush School Online Student Scholarship for Texas Residents
The Bush School Online Student Scholarship is targeted toward new, continuing, and returning students registered in online courses at the Bush School of Government and Public Service at Texas A&M University. To qualify, you must be a Texas resident who is registered or will register for a Bush School Online course. Also, you must have acceptable academic standing (minimum of 3.0 GPA), or be a newly admitted Texas A&M University student. In addition, you must have unmet financial need as determined by the FAFSA. The amount of the scholarship varies based on need and other factors.
Apply for Spring 2017 Scholarships by December 4, 2016.
The Bush School Online Student Scholarship for Non-residents
The Bush School Non-resident Online Student Scholarship is targeted toward new, continuing and returning students registered in online courses at the Bush School of Government & Public Service. Additional qualifications require you to be a non-resident of Texas who is registered or will register for a Bush School Online course. Also, you must have acceptable academic standing (minimum of 3.0 GPA), or be a newly admitted Texas A&M University student. Applications submitted after the deadline will not be accepted. In addition, you must have unmet financial need as determined by the FAFSA and the Office of Financial Aid. The amount of the scholarship varies based on need and other factors. Students must complete a FAFSA and the scholarship application to be considered.
Apply for Spring 2017 Scholarships by December 4, 2016.
Bush School Outstanding Online Student Scholarship
This competitive scholarship in the amount of $1000 is open for application to both Non-residents and Texas Residents alike. To apply, you must be a G6 non-degree seeking student admitted into one of the following online graduate certificate programs of advanced international affairs, homeland security, or nonprofit management. You must be registered or will register for a Bush School Online course of at least three credit hours. Also, you must not have any incomplete grades (grades of "I") from your previous certificate courses. You must have acceptable academic standing (minimum of 3.0 GPA), or be a newly admitted Texas A&M University student. Applications submitted after the deadline will not be accepted.
Apply for Spring 2017 Scholarships by December 4, 2016.
Texas Aggie Graduate Grant Opportunity
The Texas Aggie Graduate Grants are need-based awards (need is determined by Scholarships & Financial Aid) for Texas residents. Each student may receive up to $1,500 per semester in the fall and spring and $750 per semester in the summer, with a maximum of $3,000 per year.
· Texas Aggie Graduate Grant Information
College for All Texans
The Web page of the Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board, College for All Texans, lists scholarships, financial aid, and exemptions for which you may qualify.
The Irene S. Wischer Scholarship for Texas Residents
· https://www.frostbank.com/Pages/Wischer-Scholarship.aspx
Outside Scholarship Opportunities
· https://scholarships.tamu.edu
Investigate Potential Waivers and Exemptions
· http://sbs.tamu.edu/accounts-billing/forms/waivers-exemptions/
From: http://bush.tamu.edu/certificate/caia/financialaid/
Texas A&M: Financial Aid for Online Students
Reviewed by Humana Digital Media

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