EWHA WOMAN UNIVERSITY/KOREA: College of Social Sciences
The College of Social Sciences was created as an independent college in 1996. As a result of university restructuring. Through the process, social science disciplines were brought together from the College of Humanities and the College of Law and Political Science.
1996. 2
The College of Social Sciences established. (Political Science & Diplomacy, Public Administration Sociology, Library Information Science, Mass Communication, Sociology, and Social Welfare departments)
1996. 3
Under the new "Hak-Bu-Jae" system, freshmen be enrolled in the Division of Social Sciences, which included the majors of Political Science & Diplomacy, Public Administration Sociology, Library Information Science, Mass Communication, Sociology, and Social Welfare. (Admission quota of 380 students)
1996. 9
The Research Institute for Social Science established.
1997. 10 Interdisciplinary Programs on the Study of North Korea established.
The Graduate School of Policy Sciences founded. |
1998. 3 |
The Educational Psychology major of the College of Education and the Economics major of the College of Economics and Business Administration incorporated into the College of Social Sciences.
The college organized into the Division of Politics & Economics (Political Science & Diplomacy, Public Administration, and Economics majors), the Division of Social Sciences (Library Information Science, Sociology, Social Welfare, and Psychology majors), and the Division of Media Studies (Journalism, Advertising & PR, and Film majors). (Admission quota of 500 students) |
2000. 3
The Graduate School of Women's Studies, and the Interdisciplinary Programs on Regional Studies, and the Interdisciplinary Programs on the Study of North Korea incorporated into the College of Social Sciences.
2001. 3
The college reorganized into the Division of Social Sciences (Political Science & Diplomacy, Public Administration, Economics, Library Information Science, Sociology, Social Welfare, and Psychology majors), and the Division of Media Studies (Journalism, Advertising & PR, and Film majors). (Admission quota of 480 students)
2001. 4
The graduate school's Interdisciplinary Programs on the Study of North Korea renamed the Interdisciplinary Programs in North Korean Studies.
2002. 2
The Film major of the Division of Media Studies renamed the Television & Film major. (Admission quota of 470 students)
2002. 2
Dedication ceremony of Ewha-POSCO Hall
2004. 7
The Institute of Unification Studies established.
2004. 7
The establishment of the Graduate School of Social Welfare (2006.3) approved.
2005. 3
Admission quota of 440 students
2005. 12
The Communication & Media Research Center opened as a research organization under the College of Social Sciences.
2006. 1
The Graduate School of Mass Communication renamed the Graduate School of Media Studies.
The Consumer Science and Human Development major of the College of Human Ecology changed to the Consumer Science The Consumer Science and Human Development major of the College of Human Ecology changed to the Consumer Science major of the College of Social Sciences (2007.3) |
2006. 2
Due to the establishment of the Graduate School of Social Welfare, the Social Welfare major of the undergraduate and graduate schools stopped recruiting new students (Admission quota of 418 students)
2007. 3
The establishment of Consumer Studies, graduate school's Interdisciplinary Programs in Children Studies and Connected major of Children Studies
2010. 3
The establishment of Children Studies
2013. 3
The establishment of Social Walfare and North Korean Studies (Admission quota of 427 students)
2015. 3
Admission quota of 411 students
The establishment of Communication&Media |
The Aim of Education
Social science literally refers to a category of sciences that try to understand society in a scientific manner. Accordingly, the college, as its main objectives, aims to nurture students' abilities to systematically study and understand what constitutes society, how social institutions interact, and how they generate various patterns of social phenomena. The College of Social Sciences consists of the following majors: Political Science and Diplomacy, Public Administration, Economics, Library and Information Science, Sociology, Social Welfare, Psychology, Communication&Media.
As institutions of research and education in both basic and applied disciplines, these programs are devoted to training creative and professional women intellectuals for society. In response to growing emphasis on multi-disciplinary learning, the college encourages students to take double majors to become women leaders who are adequately equipped with not only specialty but also diversity.
EWHA WOMAN UNIVERSITY/KOREA: College of Social Sciences
Reviewed by Humana Digital Media

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