Concordia University Apply for admission
- Turn off your browser's pop-up blocker (Firefox, Chrome)
- Don't use the "Back" button of your web browser
- Be sure to click Save and Exit if you need to leave your application for any reason
- Cegep students: have your Code Permanent ready
- Ontario high school students: have your OUAC number handy (if you have one)
- Know exactly which academic program(s) you wish to apply for
- Have relevant digital files or scanned documents ready to be uploaded (Please use Firefox)
- Have PDF copies of your transcripts and other supporting documents ready to be uploaded
- Have a valid credit card or debit card available to pay the application fee of $100 CAD.Please note: we accept the following credit cards: Visa, MasterCard, American Express, Discover, and the following debit cards: Scotiabank, Bank of Montreal, Royal Bank or TD Canada Trust.
Concordia University Apply for admission
Reviewed by Humana Digital Media

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