On the right-hand column of this page, select the appropriate application instructions related to the status you will have at KU Leuven: exchange student; bachelor or master student; pre-doctoral or doctoral student; international scholar; specialisation student. Click here for more information about these statuses.
Make sure to read the detailed admission requirements of the specific study programmes available at KU Leuven university campus and other campuses.
KU Leuven makes use of an online application system for admissions. The application form PDF is downloaded from the KU Leuven website and likewise submitted online. Other required documents are attached or uploaded to the application form also online. So kindly take note of the following:
- Make sure that an updated version of Adobe Reader is installed on your PC. Please note that Adobe Acrobat Reader DC - version 15.010.00256 (released 12/01/2016) cannot yet be used.
- For users with Arabic data please set Adobe language to English.
- Recommended browsers: Internet Explorer 10, Firefox, Google Chrome and Safari.
Other special programmes like the VLIR-ICP master's programmes and the Erasmus+ programmes have different application instructions and requirements. Please find the appropriate instructions on the right-hand column.
The deadlines for applications from Exchange Students are:
- 30 April for Exchange Students wishing to study at KU Leuven during the first semester
- 1 October for students wishing to study at KU Leuven during the second semester
The deadlines for all other applications are:
- 1 February for applications of non-EEA citizens for Bachelor's and Master's and Postgraduate programmes taught in Dutch
- 1 March for applications of non-EEA citizens for Bachelor's and Master's programmes and Postgraduate study programmes taught in English
- 1 June for applications of EEA citizens
- 1 June for applications of non-EEA citizens living in Belgium with a valid residence permit
- No deadline for applications of self-supporting students for predoctoral and doctoral programmes
- No deadline for applications of international scholars and specialisation students
Reviewed by Humana Digital Media

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