University of Zurich: Bachelor of Law UZH (RVO13)

(Focused degree program)

Degree program: Bachelor of Law UZH (RVO13)

General description

The degree programs provide students with legal knowledge, the skills to analyze the legal system and the ability to reflect on the basic principles and content of legal normativity and jurisprudence. They illustrate the scientific and social importance of law and the responsibility that lawyers bear. 
The Bachelor’s degree 
program focuses on basic knowledge and the ability to think methodically and scientifically. The study programs require and encourage students to reflect on the material they have been taught. They help them develop essential social skills such as argumentation and communication and the ability to work in a team and interact with other cultures as part of mobility and exchange programs. 

Admission requirements

To be admitted to the study program, students must have a federal school-leaving certificate or equivalent qualification. Any student who has been definitively excluded from studies at the Faculty of Law, University of Zurich, or from any other Swiss faculty of law, will no longer be admitted to a program of study in law. For further information, please visit 

Branch of studies


Career possibilities

First and foremost, the Bachelor of Law degree entitles students to continue their studies on a Master of Law degree programme at universities. 
Completion of the Bachelor’s degree also permits graduates to commence specific work in areas of law, such as a job at a governmental office, a bank, an insurance company or other company. Graduates who wish to be admitted to the bar, however, must join the Master’s degree programme. 

ECTS credits

180 ECTS credits have to be earned in the major Bachelor of Law; 60 in the assessment level and 120 in the advanced level. 


Bachelor of Law UZH

Part-time studies

Part-time study is possible for students who are employed or who have care-giving obligations. The duration of the program is correspondingly longer. 
Further information is available from the academic service. 

Major/minor subject combinations

The degree program does not provide a minor subject. 
Law can also be studied as a minor subject as part of a programme at the Faculty of Science, the Faculty of Arts or the Faculty of Theology. 
Details can be found in the program descriptions for the relevant faculty. 

Examination and assessment regulations

Each module is concluded with a student assessment. 
Performance is graded on a scale from 1 to 6, with 6 denoting the highest and 1 the lowest grade. Half grades are permitted. A grade below 4 indicates insufficient performance. 
Performance can also be graded on a „pass“ or „fail“ basis. 

Post-graduate degree programs

Students with a Bachelor’s degree are admitted to postgraduate studies in the same field without having to fulfil any further conditions. If a student applies for admission to specialist Master’s degree programmes, the faculty may request evidence of additional skills not acquired within the relevant Bachelor’s degree programme. Details are set out in the framework regulations and or the study regulations. 


legal studies

Language of instruction


University of Zurich: Bachelor of Law UZH (RVO13) University of Zurich: Bachelor of Law UZH (RVO13) Reviewed by Humana Digital Media on 06:18 Rating: 5

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