University of Zurich: Mission Statement and Policies

Mission Statement

The University of Zurich pursues excellence in research and teaching, and delivers services to the general public. UZH's Mission Statement defines the identity, goals, and role of the University in academia and society.

Strategic Goals

Together with the Federal Institute of Technology (ETH) and the Zurich University of Applied Sciences, the University of Zurich contributes significantly to the cultural, social, and economic development of the Canton of Zurich. At the same time, the legal and economic responsibility for the University lies with the Canton of Zurich, the University's biggest financial backer. UZH's strategic goals are formulated to coordinate the diverging interests.


The University of Zurich is committed to systematically expanding its contribution to local and global sustainability.

Internationalization Strategy

The University of Zurich is a part of a dynamic network of internationally renowned research and education institutions. UZH’s internationalization strategy for the years 2014‒2020 sets goals for a continued global presence and international exchange in research and education.

Gender Policy Code of Conduct

The University of Zurich is strongly committed to values and policies supporting equal opportunities for women and men. On 20 March 2006, the Executive Board of the University resolved to enforce the Gender Policy Code of Conduct.

Disablility Statement

The University of Zurich is committed to the principle of equality of opportunity for all staff and students, including those with disabilities.

Quality Strategy

UZH’s Quality Strategy defines how the University secures and develops quality. It specifies goals, processes and instruments involved in quality management.
University of Zurich: Mission Statement and Policies University of Zurich: Mission Statement and Policies Reviewed by Humana Digital Media on 05:52 Rating: 5

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