Uppsala University of Sweden: Contact the University
Studies and education
Have a question about admissions or studies? Choose the most suitable topic below and send your question to the corresponding e-mail address. (Or if you haven't already – take a look at the corresponding web page.)
- Master programmes: masterprograms@uu.se (web page)
- Exchange studies: mobility@uu.se (web page)
- General inquiries: studentservice@uu.se (Study and career counsellors’ web page)
- Contract education: info.uppdragsutbildning@uadm.uu.se (web page)
- Getting your degree: examen@uadm.uu.se (web page)
General contact details
Postal address:
Uppsala University
Box 256
751 05 Uppsala
Tel.: +46 (0)18 471 00 00
Fax: +46 (0)18 471 20 00
(Switchboard open Mon–Thu 07.45–17.00, Fri 07.45–16.30)
Org. no: 202100-2932
VAT no: SE202100293201
Other useful contacts
- University Management and the Vice-Chancellor
- Office of the Registrar: registrator@uu.se (web page)
- Media Service: presskontakt@uadm.uu.se (web page)
SOS Alarm: 112
Uppsala University’s Emergency number: 018-471 25 00 (24/7 service)
Chief Security Officer: christina.boman@uadm.uu.se
Send invoices to:
Uppsala universitet
737 84 Fagersta
Non-Swedish suppliers should send their invoices directly to the address of the ordering department or unit. Always specify the personal reference code of the person who placed the order.
Other general inquiries
Uppsala University of Sweden: Contact the University
Reviewed by Humana Digital Media

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