Postgraduate study in the UK
This guide aims to help anyone thinking about taught postgraduate study.
Higher education in the UK spans broadly three levels:
Undergraduate degrees. Qualifications at this level provide a grounding in a subject. They usually run for three to four years.
Postgraduate taught degrees. These are higher-level qualifications which allow more specialisation and independent learning. They usually run for up to a year.
Postgraduate research degrees. Students at this level will develop their understanding through longer periods of independent research.
Universities and some further education colleges offer flexible forms of taught postgraduate study. Students can pursue their studies part-time or full-time. They can study on campus, at a distance or combine the two (called blended learning).
Course providers award credits for each course, including postgraduate. Course credits (such as the CATS (Credit Accumulation and Transfer Scheme)) reflect the study time required to complete the course and the complexity and depth of learning you can expect.
Note, this guide does not provide information about postgraduate research degrees. Vitae – an independent charity which helps researchers reach their potential - provides information about doctoral study.
Postgraduate study in the UK
Reviewed by Humana Digital Media

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