University of Guthenberg/Sweden: THE FACULTY OF ARTS

Doctoral studies

Studies at the research level (Third cycle) lead to a Licentiate degree 120 HEC (4 terms) and/or a Doctoral degree 240 HEC (8 terms).
There are no tuition fees at Swedish universities, but students must show evidence of funding sufficient to meet the cost of living during the period of study. The Departments offers a limited number of studentships for doctoral students but does not offer any grants or scholarships to visiting students.


For more information see

Only students who have funding for the equivalent of four years full time study will be admitted into a doctoral programme; funding is normally obtained through a Department studentship. Department studentships in various subjects are normally announced once a year.
For information about possibilities and requirements in the different subjects, contact the vice-head of department for doctoral studies at the department to which your subject belongs:
Department of Cultural Sciences – Alf Björnberg, 

Department of Historical Studies – Cordelia Hess,
Department of Languages and Literatures – Gunhild Vidén, 

Department of Literature, History of Ideas, and Religion – Arne Rasmusson, e-mail:
Department of Philosophy, Linguistics and Theory of Science – Lena Eriksson, 

Department of Swedish – Henrik Rosenkvist, 
University of Guthenberg/Sweden: THE FACULTY OF ARTS University of Guthenberg/Sweden: THE FACULTY OF ARTS Reviewed by Humana Digital Media on 05:55 Rating: 5

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