National Autonomous University of México: Outstanding Academic Programs

Academic programs


The Centro de Enseñanza para Extranjeros (Teaching Center for Foreigners) was created in 1921 with the mission of universalizing the knowledge of the Spanish language and the Mexican culture, projecting the presence of UNAM in the international context, and developing academic programs directed to Mexican communities abroad, as well as supporting foreign students who wish to enroll with UNAM. This center offers courses in five main areas: Spanish, Art, Literature, History, and Mexican-American Studies. CEPE also teaches mandatory courses in History, Geography, and Mexico’s Political Organization to graduates who have studied abroad. Students from more than 100 countries have studied at CEPE.

National Autonomous University of México: Outstanding Academic Programs National Autonomous University of México: Outstanding Academic Programs Reviewed by Humana Digital Media on 08:03 Rating: 5

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