University of Michigan: Letter from President Schlissel

The new year brings a monumental moment in the life of our university – our Bicentennial celebration. I am excited to introduce you to what we have planned to commemorate our 200 years of achievement.
Over the course of 2017, we will be celebrating U-M’s amazing impact on society, and the people who helped shape the leading institution we are today.
We will also examine how our university will continue to shape society in the future – through the contributions of faculty, students, staff, alumni and supporters who make this community so special.
Our Bicentennial website includes information on this celebration, from the amazing history and significance of the university to the extensive and diverse events that are taking place throughout 2017. We have planned a year of public festivals, academic events, and exhibits that demonstrate the full breadth of our great university’s influence.
When we were founded 200 years ago in Detroit, the University of Michigan was an ambitious experiment, a novel and noble idea for higher education in America.
Because of all of you, we are now poised for even greater accomplishments ahead, as the leaders and best. I hope you will engage with us during our Bicentennial and beyond. Thank you for being part of our community.
Mark Schlissel

University of Michigan: Letter from President Schlissel University of Michigan: Letter from President Schlissel Reviewed by Humana Digital Media on 00:49 Rating: 5

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